Third UAEITI report published

The third Ukraine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Report for the year of 2016 has been published.

After technical and economic evaluation, as well as analysis of the information obtained from the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, in 2016, the scope of the EITI Report has been extended and includes 60 extractive companies, which, according to the SFS report, have contributed a total of 99% of all the revenues from the extractive industries to the Consolidated Budget and the Pension Fund.

Only 45 out of 60 large companies have given at least partial responses to requests within the scope of preparation of the Report. Moreover, the Independent Administrator has received responses from 6 extractive companies, who have volunteered to provide the information for the Report.

In addition to the industries of extracting coal, oil, natural gas, iron ores, titanium ores, manganese ores, the scope has further expanded in the 2016 UAEITI Report. The information regarding three more extractive industries has been added. In particular, the added industries are: fire clays, high-melting clays, and quartz sands. However, the reconciliation of tax and other payments of the companies in these industries has not been held.

Download 3rd Ukraine EITI Report (2016) and 3rd Ukraine EITI Report (2016). Abbreviated version

Read 3rd Ukraine EITI Report (2016) and 3rd Ukraine EITI Report (2016). Abbreviated version

EITI in Ukraine